
Rules of the international literary competition Samadieh


For the third edition of the contest, the verses from the work “The Hidden Words” chosen as the source of inspiration for the poets and the writers who want to participate in the competition will remain as follows:

1) Justice
The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice… and neglect it not that I may confide in thee. By its aid thou shalt see with thine own eyes and not through the eyes of others, and shalt know of thine own knowledge and not through the knowledge of thy neighbor. Ponder this in thy heart;
how it behooveth thee to be. Verily justice is My gift to thee and the sign of My loving-kindness. Set it then before thine eyes.

2) Equality
Know ye not why We created you all from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other. Ponder at all times in your hearts how ye were created. Since We have created you all from one same substance it is incumbent on you to be even as one soul, to walk with the same feet, eat with the same mouth and dwell in the same land, that from your inmost being, by your deeds and actions, the signs of oneness and the essence of detachment may be made manifest. Such is My counsel to you, O concourse of light!

3) Service (work)
Ye are the trees of My garden; ye must give forth goodly and wondrous fruits, that ye yourselves and others may profit therefrom. Thus it is incumbent on every one to engage in crafts and professions, for therein lies the secret of wealth, O men of understanding! For results depend upon means…Trees that yield no fruit have been and will ever be for the fire.

The scripts presented must be the fruit of free creation, inspiration and spiritual research resulting from feelings and emotions generated by reading one or more of the “Hidden Words”; reported in the text.

Reading this mystical work will lead the individual to discover
conciliatory truths with his profound reality, conveying it to that
serenity and inner well-being that gives the discovery of one’s own
spiritual part and the works presented will be the artistic fruit.

Article 1 – CATEGORIES

The Competition is divided into n. 4 categories to which anyone can contribute without age limits:

a) ESSAYS: maximum no. 1 essay for each participant, maximum length no.100,000 characters including spaces;
b) PROSE: maximum no. 2 stories for each participant, maximum length no. 70,000 characters including spaces with tolerance up to no. 75,000 characters;
c) POETRY: from 1 to a maximum of 3 poems for each participant, with no length limits for each poem.

d) GRAPHIC NOVEL: The Graphic Novel edition accepts original works dealing, with illustrations and comics, with one of the five themes proposed for artistic reflection in the announcement of the Atelier Samadieh Competition.
Authors are invited to unleash their imagination and narrate their suggestions, without technical or artistic limitations.
The winning work, selected by a jury of experts, will be awarded Euro 250 and will be published on all the social media platforms.

Scripts in a foreign language must be accompanied by an Italian translation.
The authors will be asked to translate into English those works in italian language that will be among the first three classified, to allow their publication
on international sites linked to this Competition.

Art. 2 – SCRIPTS
Scripts must be rigorously unpublished and not reported to other competitions.
The drafting must respect the following formatting guidelines:
– Font: Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman;
– Size: 12pt; only for the poetry category maximum 14pt;
– Line spacing: 1.2; only for the poetry category maximum 1.5.

Art. 3 – PRIZES

For each category there is a First Prize, a Second Prize and a Third Prize.
1st Prize: Diploma, Plaque, 200€
2nd Prize: Diploma, Plaque, 100€
3rd Prize: Diploma, Plaque, 50€

GRAPHIC NOVEL only a prize of €250
Same conditions as the other categories

The winners of each category will be able to propose the public reading of part of their work at the award ceremony (in presence or in streaming).
The cash prizes already provided could be subsequently increased based on the final availability, the sponsorships received and any ad hoc.
Cash prizes will be awarded only if the category has a number of participants greater than or equal to five.
The names of the first three classified in each category will be published on media and social networks and will receive an e-mail notification.

The awarding ceremony will take place annually on July. It may be in presence or streamed through IT channels.

The Evaluating Commission will consist of no. 3 commissioners chosen among writers, teachers of literary subjects and literary critics. The Commission’s judgment is final and unappealable. The Commission may reserve the right NOT to award a Prize or to award it ex aequo. A President will be appointed within the Commission who will ensure the correct application of the Rules and the regularity of the procedures and whose opinion will be decisive in the event of equal judgment.
The merit ranking will be drawn up by the evaluating Commission and will be published on the Atelier Samadieh website. All poets and artists awarded the Atelier Awards will also be promptly notified as soon as the Jury’s work will be finished and in any case within Aprile, 30th, 2023.
The scripts will not be returned, and the organisation reserves the right to publish the works without prejudice to their copyright.

Participation fees are envisaged to cover secretarial and organisation expenses. You can compete in more than one category upon payment of the participation fees provided for each category concerned.
a) Category ESSAYS: €20 per participant;
b) Category PROSE: €20 per participant;
c) Category POETRY: €20 per participant.
d) Category GRAPHIC NOVEL: €20 per participant.

The participation form is attached to these Rules (ANNEX A) and must be completed in all its parts by sending it via email to

The following documents must also be sent:
1) copy of the payment receipt for the registration fee
2) script in word or pdf format
3) if the participant is a minor, photocopy of the identity document of the participant AND the authorization signed by both parents (ANNEX B)
4) information on the processing of personal data duly signed.

Written confirmation of regular registration for the Competition and receipt of the works will be sent to the participant, as well as receipt of payment. The payment of the fee can be made according to the following methods:
– by bank transfer

Art. 7 – TIMING
The works and the registration form referred to in Article 6 must be sent no later then 30/04/2024. It will be at the discretion of the President of the Commission to decide whether to admit registrations received after that date. If the works received after that date will not be admitted, the registration fee will be refunded.


The works must be sent by e-mail or by e-form in the following ways:
1. the work file (doc or docx) must not contain any reference to the author. The name of the file must only indicate the CATEGORY in which you participate and the TITLE of the work. Example: SAGGISTICA_ILSECRETODELL’OCEANO.doc (or docx) or POESIA_LUCELUCENTE.doc. (or docx). If you want to participate in multiple categories, one file is required for each category.
2. a file (doc or docx) containing the author’s data: name, surname, place and date of birth, postal address and e-mail address of the author, the category and title of the work.

The participation itself implies the declaration of the exclusive authorship of the works presented and the authorization for the possible publication of the name and surname of the author or artist and of the work on the official websites of the Atelier Samadieh,
in a press release and on video if it is selected.
It will be the task of the Academic Secretariat to prepare the works for an anonymous analysis by the Jury.
For organizational reasons all participants are requested, if possible, to send their works not too close to the final deadline.

Article 9 – OTHER RULES
Participation in this Competition implies full and unconditional acceptance of these Rules.


The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make any changes that are necessary to these rules to guarantee a more successful outcome of the event.

If a minimum number of participants should not be reached, the Competition could be cancelled. In this case the participants will be notified and the registration fees will be returned.

The Secretariat and the Direction of the Competition is entrusted to Atelier Samadieh.
Please write for any information at the address: