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She is born in Fiuggi on 22nd August 1951. In 1974 she graduated in sociology at the Sapienza University in Rome where she subsequently made her academic and scientific career in the sector of general sociology as researcher and full professor and where she had important institutional appointments (such as, starting with the most recent ones: deputy dean of the faculty of political sciences, sociology, communication; coordinator of the master´s degree course in sociology, social research and evaluation; director of the Mediatrends Doctoral School; coordinator of the doctorate of methodology in social research; president of the decree course in sociology; director of the postgraduate course in methodology of social research). She was also the coordinator of the Methodology Section of the Italian Association of Sociology.
She is still member of the editorial board and scientific council of the Journal of Sociology and Social Research.
She has been on leave since 2017.

Her teaching activities concern above all the sector of methodology of social research and that of evaluation theories and practices.

Her scientific interests – always in connection with her empirical research – included several studies: juvenile distress and drug addiction recovery strategies; social representations and ethnic prejudice; intercultural relations; sociology of science and research policy; analysis of university training and professionalization processes; analysis of the functioning and productivity of scientific networks; social exclusion and social stratification.

Among her most recent scientific publications (concerning exclusively the period which goes from 2004 – 2016) you can find the following book: The design of social research (2004). In the same period she also edited collective volumes such as The stranger in the picture. Representation of immigrants and ethnic prejudice among the students of the region of Latium, 2004; Spaces, identities, relationships. Survey on multicultural coexistence in university residences, 2010; Suspended Generations. Research paths on young Neet, 2014; On the trail of big data. Questions of method and research paths, 2016.
Hereinafter you find a selection of her articles which appeared in scientific journals and collective volumes: When the other is the immigrant. Representation of the foreigner and trajectories of social action among the young people of the metropolis and cities of Latium, 2004; The spatial conditions of multicultural coexistence - Introduction to a research problem, 2010; Forms of coexistence and forms of living, 2010; Research design in university residences, 2010; The challenge of the “Dublin descriptors” to design the university educational offer and to evaluate its results, 2010; Dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in young people's enjoyment of free time, 2011; Methodological training and professionalization of Sociology, 2013; Neet generation. The problem and research paths, 2014; Suspended Generations. Integrated analysis, 2014; Intellectual art in the presence of big data, 2016). 


Sandro Pistolesi was born in Rome on 03.08.1973 and has dedicated his life to journey, culture and literature. He graduated in Foreign Languages & Literature and speaks fluently 5 languages. Considering himself as not belonging to any specific country but rather a world citizen, he spent most of his life abroad and at sea.
During his career he covered inter alia, for some of the most important cruise companies worldwide, the position of multilingual cultural lecturer and, for the last 10 years, director of the entertaining and cultural program. The curiosity for the world that hosts us and for the endless possible ways of communication, leads him to the constant discovery of the ethnical, religious and philosophical identities and nuances of its continents, connected with the fascinating power of its literature


Julio Savi was born in Eritrea, where his grand-grandparents settled in early 1890s. He completed his classical secondary education in Asmara. In 1960 he went to Bologna, where he was graduated in Medicine in 1964. He worked for all his life as a gynecologist in various hospitals of Bologna and its province. He retired in 1997, and worked as a professional gynecologist for more than ten years.
His interests include religious studies, interfaith dialogue, spirituality, mystical and philosophical aspects of Scripture, and human rights and has lectured on these subjects in Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia. His English publications comprise ​The Eternal Quest for God (Oxford, 1989); ​For the sake of one God. Notes on philosophy of religion​ (New Delhi 2004); Remoteness. Selected Poems ​(Rome, 2002); ​A Nest on the Highest Branch. Reflections on human success, prosperity and happiness​ (New Delhi, 2003); ​Unsheathing the Sword of Wisdom. Reflections on Human Rights and Terrorism​ (Oxford, 2011​)​. All these books also have been published in Italian and some of them in other languages. He has published several papers on spirituality, the oneness of religion, the spiritual development of individuals and society, and poetry on the ​Encyclopédie philosophique universelle​ of the Presses Universitaires de France, for George Ronald publisher in Oxford and on various international journals, as for example ​World Order (Wilmette, Illinois) and ​Lights of ‘Irfán​.
Stories of Faith, Gl­ory and Infamy 2019 narrates the story of the early days of the reformist movem­ent born in Iran in 1844, later known as the Bábí-Bahá'í Fai­th—a movement which aimed at infusing a renewed sense of mis­sion of unity, justi­ce and peace, into that nation, and inde­ed throughout the wo­rld—illustrating the lives of its most prominent supporters and antagonists. It is accompanied by fi­fteen appendices and seven maps that may help the Readers to find their way thro­ugh places and cultu­ral references unfam­iliar in the West. He married in 1965 and has two sons and three granddaughters. He lives in Bologna with his wife.



Julio Savi reveals
"Storie di  fede, di gloria e d'infamia"